Thursday, October 10, 2013

10th Oct (jinwei)

We arrived early in the morning back to the hostel around 5AM. We got the morning off to rest and do laundry or other stuff. Breakfast was at 8.30AM, as I've heard, not much of us actually turned up for breakfast. I slept through the morning and went for lunch instead. After the lunch of pasta, vegetables and chicken, we boarded the bus.
We headed down to Electronic Arts to have a simple tour around their company and as well as to have them tell us their history and the work they do. After which we sat back on the bus to visit a man called, Napart Bhandari. To have him tell his tale as well as his experience in having to work and to start his company. It was an enriching talk.
After which, we sat back on the bus back to the hostel to rest.

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